Sujet : Hi there!

I am just new to this kind of forum. I would like to be part to this kind of forum because I just want to have idea about how to make friends and to coordinate with lots of people around the globe. I just have this thesis of mine that is something like this, so I think that it would be better if I make a profile to it. I think that while doing my DISSERTATION, I could have people that I can ask about how they manage their life, while doing something like their work and doing this forum.


Re : Hi there!

moi parler français , moi pas comprendre toi lol

Re : Hi there!

MichelleCole a écrit:

I am just new to this kind of forum. I would like to be part to this kind of forum because I just want to have idea about how to make friends and to coordinate with lots of people around the globe. I just have this thesis of mine that is something like this, so I think that it would be better if I make a profile to it. I think that while doing my DISSERTATION, I could have people that I can ask about how they manage their life, while doing something like their work and doing this forum.

C'est une personne qui souhaites correspondre pour sa thèse...

Re : Hi there!

Oui cela à l'air d'être ca, j'aimerai bien l'aider mais je suis nul en anglais :S Une prochaine fois ...

Re : Hi there!

c'te vieille technique de spam usée lol

Re : Hi there!

Grave il va blinder tout le monde! lol